The weather report for Yatesville Lake State Park in Kentucky this morning was partly cloudy and 10% chance of rain, so I thought I'd give it another try. Although, I must admit, I was concerned as I was riding to Kentucky, with constantly overcast skies. As I approached Louisa, Kentucky I reminded God that he had both the power and authority to make the clouds part and bring forth sunshine.
Pulling into the marina was still overcast. I parked and took up position behind a bush (to do what guys do behind bushes in nature). As I concluded the bushly activities, the clouds parted, and blue skies and sunshine presented themselves. The sun shone for most of the remaining two and a half hours!
Saw a total of nine species and 78 individual butterflies. Was finally able to get the shot I needed of the underside of the duskywings I kept seeing on my last trip to Yatesville. Two white marks on the underside of the hindwing made it clear that I was looking at Juvenal's Duskywing. On top of a ridge overlooking the lake I noticed a considerable smaller duskywing. This one proved to be a Dreamy Duskywing. Saw a total of two of these smaller dusky's.
Of the species I saw, all were expected 'cept for one, the Common Roadside Skipper. Found this one in a very sparsely treed successional area. Very small butterfly. The triangular white mark on the back of the forewing, along with a light frosting on the back of the hindwing gave this one away. I'm very happy to get this one. In two years in Ohio, this is only the second CRS I have seen.
On the ride back home I stopped at a rest area near Pomeroy, Ohio. Added a Black Swallowtail to the list shortly after getting off the bike. And then, while taking a break behind a bush (again), had a Meadow Fritillary fly by. Something I have noticed, Some of the most interesting things I have seen in nature have typically been while behind bushes. I guess because you're just kind of standing there, captive, with nothing to do but look around. You tend to notice things.
Total for the day included 25 Eastern Tiger Swallowtails (19 yellow form, 6 dark form), 21 Juvenal's Duskywings, 12 Spring Azures, 7 Falcate Orange-tips, 5 Gemmed Satyrs, 3 Zebra Swallowtails, 2 Orange Sulphurs, 2 Dreamy Duskywings, and singletons of Common Roadside Skipper, Black Swallowtail, Meadow Fritillary, and Pearl Crescent.
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