Sunday, April 10, 2011

Not so great a start

    Made my trip to Louisa, Kentucky and Yatesville Lake State Park yesterday.  Very overcast, nearly foggy, in the morning, which is not positive for butterfly hunting.  And the weather went downhill from there.  In the morning the weather had said 50% chance of showers.  I now know what 50% means!
    Encountered one heck of a swap meet in Lucasville, Ohio.  The line to get in to this swap meet from the north was 1.1 miles long.  Did some math while I was riding and I estimate just under 300 cars in that line.  Wonder what they sell at this swap meet?!
   If there is a bright side to the 321 mile trip, I did see eleven butterflies, only seven of which I could identify; three Spring Azures and four Eastern Tiger Swallowtails.  The other four bugs were duskywings of some sort.  Unfortunately, in the Ohio River Valley there are two species which look painfully similar, the Juvenal's Duskywing and the Horace's Duskywing.  To tell the two apart you have to look for two small silver spots on the underside of the hindwing.  The lone duskywing I could get a pic of would not show his underside, and I was afraid to try to reposition myself underneath of it for fear of scaring it to flight, and being left with no pic at all.  The pic I did get at least narrowed it to those two species.  There are other spring flying duskywings as well, so I thought the upper surface pic of higher priority.  I was treated to three swallowtails puddling in a grassy area near the parking lot.  Always enjoy those puddle parties.
    The weather man had talked as if the weather would be better in Ohio, so after about 90 minutes in Louisa I thought I'd race north to see if I could find some sun north of the river.  Well, on my way out of the park it started sprinkling and continued sprinkling, thunderstorming, and raining for the next 160.5 miles (all the way home).  Not only does rain put a damper on butterfly activity, it also puts a damper on my attitude, seeing as how all of my rain gear leaks . . . in the same spot . . . taking me back to diaper wearing days we'll say.
  Only got lost twice, and they were only sort of losts.  Wrong road, right direction.
  Lets hope the next outing is more productive.

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