Saturday, September 17, 2011

And the Lord brought forth light . . .

and Chris beheld it and it was goooood, REALLY GOOD!

Yes, I saw the sun today for the first time:
a. since Pueblo, Colorado
b. in 71 hours
c. for 975 miles
d. all of the above
If you answered all of the above, you are correct!

  I nearly stopped the bike, pulled out the tripod and camera. and took a pic of myself making a sun angel in the middle of I-72 in Quincy, Illinois, but I figured the highway patrol would frown on that, so I fought the temptation.  What I did do though, was found an exit with a gas station, Wendy's, and large vacant field of flowers, and went butterfly hunting after filling up the bike.  In fact, I was so anxious to get into the field, I ignored the fact that I had to pee.  Later, I ducked in behind a bush, only to realize when I was nearly done that I was in clear view of east-bound I-72, and the school bus that was traveling down it.  I turned and faced the country club instead.
  I did not see anything new for the BBY in the vacant field, which was ok.  I did see lots of monarchs refueling for the trip south, and perhaps even more spectacular, at least for me, I saw the biggest, brightest, most exsquisite (sp?) Red Admiral I had ever seen.  This bug was monarch size (normally they are half that) and had the brightest red I had ever seen on a butterfly.  The pic I post below will not do it justice.
  Speaking of pics, realize I had not taken a picture of a butterfly since John's house near Portal, roughly guestimating about 1,760 miles previously.  Hard to imagine going that far w/o seeing a butterfly.  Although, I did see the nearly frozen four monarchs in Nebraska, and since my hands were nearly frozen as well I did not bother with a pic.
  On the other end of Illinois from Barry (the site of the mis-directed pee stop), I stopped at Kickapoo (do you notice a theme developing here!) State Park near the Indiana border.  Once again, nothing new, but the thrill of simply seeing butterflies.  I will post some pics below of butterfly species I have probably already posted, plus a fun pic highlighting the theme of the blog (in addition to the sun).

migrating Monarch

Red Admiral

My first butterfly stop in 1,760 miles.

Question Mark

Pearl Crescent

Just for fun!

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