Yesterday I continued one weather related streak, and today started a new one. First, yesterday, was the fourth consecutive trip across New Mexico that I've gotten poured on with rain. It actually continued this morning as well as it was raining as I left Las Vegas. The new weather streak? My last two trips across eastern Colorado have been shrouded in a foggy, misty, yuck. Despite making two trips across, I have never actually seen eastern Colorado. All I see is moisture on the faceshield. Did not even attempt to look for butterflies today as they would've all been in hiding.
Between the two streaks, I had lunch with old friend Abbie Hayutin, formerly known as Abbie Klinger. Abbie was my best friend in high school (Marcos de Niza HS in Tempe, AZ - Go Padres!), and next month is the 30th reunion which I will not be able to attend. We ran cross country together a couple years, and would run with each other over the summers. We also had a lot of the same classes and she never set any of my books in fire in class, unlike my friend Ted who set my chemistry book on fire once in Math class! We (back to Abbie, not Ted) kinda lost each other until about two years ago, and have stayed in regular contact since. Abbie's kids are about the same age as mine, so it was fun to share parenting horror stories. We had lunch at a place called Costa Vida on the south side of Denver, a Mexican place sort of in the spirit of Chipotle. The food was excellent by the way.
Abbie reminds me of my own wife Kris, in how strongly her focus is on her children. Listening to her you can tell how seriously she takes on the role of mom. Too bad all moms aren't so dedicated.
Intellicast makes it look like the yucky weather will be accompanying me across Nebraska and Iowa. Joy! Guess I shouldn't plan on seeing any Great Plains butterflies. The ones in Texas were on fire, and the ones in Nebraska will be waterlogged. Can't win, eh! ;)
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