Sunday, September 4, 2011

Extended stay in Springfield, Missouri

   Spent this morning trying to fix a problem with my luggage rack on the bike.  While it is not a proper or the best fix, I think I have a fix that will work.  So, the trip will go on.  As a way of testing my fix, I took the bike out for 40 miles or so this afternoon, including a trip to Ritter Springs Park, a part of the Springfield, Missouri city park system.  Didn't really know much about it, but the website sounding interesting.
  What a nice little find!  Butterflies galore!  Lots of nectar, but much of it was beginning to wilt.  The big scary cold front that moved through early this morning brought a few sprinkles and that was about it.  A lot of skippers at Ritter Springs, and skippers are not my strong suit.  As I review my pics (all 104 of them), I am finding a lot of Sachems, in multiple variations.  There were a couple of pleasant finds today.  A lot of Red-banded Hairstreaks.  As you know, I just love those little guys.  Also one definite new to the BBY, that being Hayhurst's Scallopwing.  Possibly two other new species for the BBY, Bell's Roadside-Skipper and Byssus Skipper.  I have pics of those submitted to BAMONA for verification.  A total of 18 species for sure today, and possibly 20 depending on what BAMONA says.  The list of what I saw today: Red-banded Hairstreak, Hackberry Emperor, Spicebush Swallowtail, Pearl Crescent, Common Buckeye, Red-spotted Purple, Hayhurst's Scallopwing, Fiery Skipper, Tawny-edged Skipper, Great Spangled Fritillary, Sachem, Silvery Checkerspot, Gray Hairstreak, Eastern-tailed Blue, Orange Sulphur, Tawny Emperor, Least Skipper and Common Wood Nymph.
Ritter Springs Park

Hayhurst's Scallopwing, new to the BBY.

Potential new to the BBY, Bell's Roadside-Skipper

Potential new to the BBY, Byssus Skipper

Very worn Tawny Emperor

Hackberry Emperor (Do you see the difference between Hackberry and Tawny?  Has nothing to do with color!)
  I've enjoyed eating at the Waffle House next door to the Day's Inn.  The staff there is very friendly and homey.  Brittany remembered that I drink unsweetened tea.  Either she has a great memory, or they must not have had many customers in that 24 hours!  The folks here at the Day's Inn have been nice also.  The bike is burning a lot of oil it seems.  Used a quart in the 900 miles of the trip so far.  Looks like I'll be buying a quart every other day.  I also need to keep an eye on the rear tire.  It is wearing and not sure how many more thousands of miles it has in it.  Wouldn't be surprised to have to replace it before the trip is over.  Heading into Texas tomorrow.

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